How to make your subscription box go viral

There is no denying that subscription box services have become incredibly popular across a number of different industries today, and this is a trend that is only growing and growing. In the past few years, we have seen that subscription services have been increasing, which have been targeting individuals in various niches, including food, crafts, and fashion.

If you want to capitalise on this subscription trend, you need to make sure you have the correct approach. The success of the majority of subscription services is based on the revenue the users generate and over their lifetime value (LTV). Subscription businesses are driven by paying users; it is as simple as that. Therefore, you need to focus on how you can make your subscription box go viral so that you can acquire paying users within the shortest space of time. Read on to discover everything that you need to know.

In order to generate good profits, it is imperative that subscription box service companies keep their cost of acquiring customers (CAC) and churn as low as possible. Nevertheless, getting users is usually a lot easier said than done. You can opt for inbound marketing techniques, such as pay per click (PPC) and paid offline advertising, in order to generate traffic and paying customers. However, you are really going to need to go viral if you want to obtain a big user base without the high costs and within a short amount of time. Luckily, there are a number of different options that are at your disposal, so let’s explore some of them below…

Social media and coupons

There is only one place to begin, and this is with social media. Users are going to need to love your product and want to share it with other people across their networks in order for it to go viral. Therefore, before you even start to think about promoting your product, you need to ensure that it is something that your market is going to love and you need to be certain that it has not been done before. Subscription box companies are their most effective when a particular niche is being targeted.

Once your market has been identified, you must make sure you offer a great experience. After all, users are only going to stick around and share information about your business on social media if they enjoy their experience. There are a lot of different ways that you can make sure that this is the case. However, there is no denying that offering coupons and special offers is the most effective. We all like to feel like we are getting a bargain, right? The unique and universal selling point when it comes to subscription boxes is that those who sign up are going to get premium quality products at low prices. Users are going to be much more likely to try out your service if you provide voucher codes and coupons. This means that they are going to be getting twice as much value. Your first box gives you the opportunity to really wow your customers, which will ensure they remain a subscriber once the price then returns to normal.

Video marketing

Another solution to consider is video marketing. This can be very effective when it comes to making your subscription service go viral. Create a unique video that is interesting, hilarious, or even absurd, so that you can catch people’s attention and create a buzz. A unique video is much more likely to be shared across social media platforms. Make sure the video is of a high quality and think about the sort of approach that is best going to connect with your audience and catch their interest. Put yourself in the user’s view and think about what sort of videos you would be most likely to share on your social media platforms.

Continue to provide value

Of course, getting people to sign up to your subscription box service in the first place is incredibly important. However, you need to make sure that they remain customers and that they do not merely cancel their subscription once the initial special offer is up. Therefore. You need to focus a lot of your efforts on how you are going to retain value.

Connect with influencers in your industry

Last but not least, there is no denying that there is very much a trend for influencer marketing at the moment. Connecting with influencers in your sector is one of the best ways to ensure that your subscription box service goes viral. Don’t worry if you do not have the budget to reach out to the big celebrities on Instagram. There are a lot of other approaches that are effective. For example, look for a blogger or product evangelist with a large number of readers who can promote your service. You need to connect with the influencer, ensure they receive your product (and that they love it!) so that they will share it with their followers. An effective approach when it comes to influencer marketing is to invite the influencer to the beta testing phase of your services. Either way, people like this are going to have a huge impact when it comes to making your service go viral, as they will share details about it on their social media pages such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

So there you have it: some different tips and pieces of advice when it comes to making your subscription box go viral. There is no denying that there is a lot that needs to be considered when it comes to subscription box services. However, in a day and age whereby there is literally no time to waste, it is all about getting your service out there and ensuring you get paying customers on board as soon as possible. The information that has been provided in this post should help you to achieve that.